Honest Renovators is an easy number one pick for this list. The people at Honest Renovators pride themselves on being just that - honest renovators. The Yinzer authenticity and hardworking nature of the Honest Renovators is plastered all over their website.
If there’s one thing that the people at this company can’t stand, it’s you getting ripped off by another renovating service that wouldn’t do nearly as good of a job as Honest Renovators for much less money.
Maybe you don’t believe us. Maybe you think we’re not as honest as our number one pick. If you don’t believe us, you can believe these reviews on wuchna.com. All of these customers didn’t get the same jobs done by Honest Renovators, but they all felt similarly satisfied with the job that Honest Renovators did.
Total Development Concepts is a renovation service that can do it all, hence, Total Development Concepts. Usually, when a company claims to be able to do everything, they don’t do much of what they offer that well. A diner with 200 menu items might do 5 of those things right. Thankfully, Total Development Concepts isn’t a diner - everything that they do, they do well.
We didn’t make up these claims - their reviews are pretty amazing. As you look through their reviews, you’ll realize not only how good they are, but also the wide range of projects that they can do for you. From adding a sunroom to remodeling a garage, Total Development Concept really can do it all.
Shark Homes, LLC Is a contracting company that’s all about making the house that you live in into your perfect home. Shark Homes, LLC specializes in making renovations and repairs to the house that you’re already living in.
For some background on how Shark Homes, LLC got started in 2013 by Jeff Schointuch but the quality of the work they do would have you believe that they’ve been doing this for far longer.
Unfortunately, Shark Homes, LLC mostly works on homes and not much else, so if you need to renovate anything other than a house, this service may not be for you. However, if renovating a home is what you need, then this might be the perfect service for you; it sure was for a lot of other folks.
Fitzgerald Home Improvements is another renovation service that only really does home renovations. This renovation service is all about business. Their website has everything you need to know to decide if this service is right for you (besides reviews). Every type of home renovation they can do for you is laid out plain and simple on each tab of the dropdown menu on their website.
While Fitzgerald Home Improvements will only renovate homes, their specialty is renovating kitchens and bathrooms. We can’t sum it up any better than Brenda L. who gave them five stars on homeadvisor.com and commented simply, “they were great.”
A safe yet sleek way to get up the stairs if you have trouble doing so by walking up them. Image courtesy of 3birdsas.com
We admit that we weren’t sure exactly where on this list to put 3 Birds Accessibility Solutions, but we knew that it had to be on here somewhere. This renovation service specializes in making your house or the house of a loved one accessible to those who are differently abled.
If you plan on renovating or redesigning a part of your home to be more accessible to everyone, 3 Birds Accessibility solutions may just be the perfect choice for you. There is no other renovation service that is as committed as this service to creating solutions to the problem of accessibility. 3 Birds will also give you a free quote and a free assessment of your home before you commit to making any renovations.
A fine job done by the folks at Zacchero Construction. Image courtesy of Zacchero Construction
Zacchero Construction specializes in six different types of home renovations: concrete, retaining walls, decks, interior remodeling, additions to a home, and excavation. As far as we can tell, these six forms of renovation are all you could ever need if you’re looking to renovate a house.
Zacchero Construction doesn’t just do all these home renovations at a bare minimum level, they leave their customers more than satisfied.
We can rave about how dependable this renovation service is as much as we want, but no one sums it up better than Donna W. on her Home Advisor review. “Was very happy with the work. Split Rail Fence looks great. Wyatt quoted a good price, did the job in a reasonable amount of time and I am very happy.” Every review we’ve read has the same exact sentiment - they’re good.
A luxurious yet casual open space that anyone would love to have as a room in their home. Image courtesy of Basic Concept Interiors.
Basic Concept Interiors has been constructing beautifully designed spaces for about 36 years. The people at Basic Concept Interiors will take what they call your “mission statement,” and with your guidance, will create a fully functional yet elegant space for whatever your needs.
Basic Concept Interiors can help you in any setting whether it be your own home, an office space, a restaurant, or any other place where business is done. This renovation service has helped design a wide array of different businesses and restaurants from a down home Pittsburgh classic like Primanti’s to the modern and stylish Izzazu Salon.
To get an idea of what these awesome people are capable of doing for you, check out their portfolio which displays some of their most impressive work.
8. Casile Renovations
412-977-8509 | 8 Crest Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15215 | buildzoom.com
A clean, modern looking yet comfortable basement renovation. A job well done by Casile Renovations. Image courtesy of homeadvisor.com.
Casile Renovations is a renovation service run by owner Jon Casile and those who have had him renovate for them know that he’s the real deal, and so is the service. Although they’ve only been in business three years, Casile Renovations can handle anything you need them to from simply framing to remodeling kitchens and bathrooms.
From only three years of being an established home renovating service, Casile Renovations has accrued some seriously stellar reviews. The basic message that we got from reading through the reviews of Casile Renovations is that they’re fair, easy ro work with, and the final product is always exactly what you wanted.
9. A.J. Builders
855-713-1088 | 945 Spruce St, Pittsburgh, PA 15234 | buildzoom.com
A.J. Builders is a renovation service owned by Jon Gutkowski that’s been around for 35 years. That’s right, 35 years. You just don’t see a renovation service sticking around that long unless they have a history of excellence and a high standard for the work that they do.
The people at A.J. Builders specialize in Kitchen and bathroom remodeling as well as various home additions. A.J. Builders will also give you a free estimate if you contact them.
These nine renovation services should no doubt be able to handle any job you give them while being transparent and honest about pricing and timing. Happy renovating!